We have resumed on-site, in-person worship services inside the sanctuary at our regular worship time of 10 a.m. Holy Communion will continue to be celebrated each Sunday and will conclude each worship service. Social distancing guidelines are encouraged, and masks are optional.
For information related to Bible classes, Lutheranism classes, baptism requests, confirmation, home visitations, counseling, weddings, funerals, make inquires via: stlukelutheran.lcms@aol.com
Church Office Hours: Tu-We-Th - 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Sunday morning Bible Study resumes on September 8 at 9 a.m. - “The Bible and Empires” led by Pastor Tim.
Lectio Divina Group Meeting via Zoom
Thursday @ 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. and hosted by Pastor Tim on Zoom is Lectio Divina. This is an ancient Benedictine method of prayer fostering a deep reading and experience of the Word of God. If you would like to join us for this practice, please opt in by emailing at stlukelutheran.lcms@aol.com and you'll be sent the Zoom meeting link.
Click here for Mapquest directions to St. Luke Lutheran Church
Click Here for information about the Red Cross blood drive sessions at St. Luke
Email your friends and tell them about St. Luke Lutheran!
Many are using Pastor Tim's YouTube sermons as a resource for shut-ins, and there is a link in this email to all of St. Luke's social media resources.
Inquiries or comments may be directed to Hal Shimmin, hshimmin@ca.rr.com